Hi there! My name is Fox, and this is my personal website.
At the time of writing (mid-June 2023), this website is under very early construction. I'm intending to maintain this site as my little slice of the internet. I want to decorate it so it's cozy, and maybe burn a candle or two, for the atmosphere.
I'm inspired to make and maintain this site for a few reasons - I have a lot of disparate hobbies and interests, which I'd like to collect in one place, so building my own little website to house them seems logical. I also find the culture of personal websites to be beautiful, and I'm incredibly happy to see it being rebuilt. Mostly though, I think that the Internet has incredible potential for beauty, but I believe that that potential is best reached through personal creative expression, and a radical step away from the corporate Internet.
This page is temporary, for now. As the site grows and builds, it is unlikely to do so in a linear direction,
I will be maintaining a